For Handwriting Analysis Week I thought we should take a fair, unbiased look at what kind of sick, twisted deviants could be writing on our cakes with their sick, twisted piping bags.
Exhibit A.
One can observe from the jagged, hesitant strokes and middle patterns that this individual has an impulsive emotional responsiveness and cautious self-castigation. Also present: a nagging apprehension that she left the coffee maker on.
Exhibit 2.
Note the broadminded structures and upward slant that shows a tendency toward self-deceit and argumentative euphoria, with a perfunctory nod to antidisestablishmentarianism. Tsk. So typical.
Exhibit 6.
Totally horny.
Exhibit IV.
Horny, with a side of cautious self-castigation.
Exhibit ร.
Randy as a tipsy Newman.
Exhibit Spoon.
Potential ax-murderer. Who is horny.
And finally:
Exhibit Nein.
A magical unicorn with telekinetic powers.
Or an overworked shift manager, who has a headache.
[shifty eyes]
Thanks to Arthur S., Breanne S., Nikki M., Marcela T., Christy H., Kayla G., & Stephanie K. for making every hyper-active preschooler with a crayon look down right talented.
P.S. I thought you guys might like some “humerus” pens:
Actually this set comes with all the syringes & little pill pens, too, for only $10! And I’m not at all bitter over the fact that I just bought one – ONE! – of those pill pens from a shop here in Orlando for $5. ๐ (It’s super adorable, though; it telescopes open!)
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