Most Common Reasons Why Your Gas Grill’s Burners Are Burning Yellow
There are a few reasons why incomplete combustion and yellow flames may occur.
Starting with the heart of the grill, the burners might be playing a game of hide and seek, either because they are misaligned or hosting a mini feast of food debris and grease in their nooks and crannies.
It’s not just the burners feeling left out; the flavorizer bars and the gas orifice might also be donning a coat of grease and soot, all contributing to the issue of incomplete combustion.
If it’s not the remnants of last week’s barbecue causing a blockage in the burner, venturi tube, or orifice, you might find that spiders have taken up residence, turning these crucial parts into their new webbed homes.
On a less creepy-crawly note, it’s also possible your grill’s air shutter is not adjusted properly, your pressure regulator isn’t working, or there are cracks in the gas hose or manifold.
In the grand scheme of things, each of these issues, while seemingly small on their own, can play a significant role in disrupting the harmony of your grilling, turning those ideal blue flames to yellow.
But fear not, for each problem comes with a solution, waiting to be tackled with a bit of care and maintenance, and we will cover them next.
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